AGRECO | Nationwide Agricultural, Forestry & Ecological Conservation Contractors | Agricultural Land Reclamation

Nationwide AGRicultural, Forestry and ECOlogical Conservation Contractors

call: 07855 321339

Land Reclamation and Land Use Conversion

Agreco have the machinery and experience to to successfully reclaim land that has fallen into disuse as a result of scrub encroachment, poor drainage and variety of other reasons. We can take a site covered in trees and scrub and hand over to the land owner a field ready to be planted with wheat or their crop of choice. They will be able to plough it without fear of wrecking their machinery on roots left in the ground, because we ensure that they have all gone. All this can be done with no burning and no vegetation having to be taken off site - it can be all incorporated back into the ground, thus improving soil structure and fertility.

A full or part drainage scheme can be implemented if necessary. 

Stony and rocky ground is not a problem either; we can crush the stones in situ, incorporating them back into the ground in a size that will not affect machinery in subsequent passes and years to come, or collect them from site for use elsewhere.

In grassland areas, we are able to clear gorse and other types of scrub encroachment, cultivate the ground and reseed it, to restore grazing.

Land area payments will not be made to landowners on areas that are not in production and if you price the cost of these services against the purchase price of land, they come out very favourably.

Land use conversion:

The services outlined above also work very successfully for the conversion of land use from forestry, orchards or Christmas trees back to arable or grassland use.



AGRECO Scrub Clearance & Land Reclamation

AGRECO Steep Bank & Conservation Work