AGRECO | Nationwide Agricultural, Forestry & Ecological Conservation Contractors

Nationwide AGRicultural, Forestry and ECOlogical Conservation Contractors

call: 07855 321339

Welcome to AGRECO

Agreco (“Ag-re- co”) are agricultural, forestry and ecological /conservation contractors operating nationwide. We employ a simple, no nonsense and practical approach that gets the job done – quickly, safely and effectively.

Reduced access areas, particularly steep and boggy ground, are a specialty as is working in environmentally sensitive areas such as SSSI’s, AGRECO's experience and specialised machinery often allow us to mechanise operations that have previously required a lot of slow and expensive manpower. This all translates into an efficient service for our clients, whoever and wherever they may be, providing them with AGRECO's speciality – swift and effective results. Please take a moment to look at our services, view the pictures of AGRECO in action and do not hesitate to contact us for any further information you may require.

ECOlogical Mitigation

AGRECO undertake the physical aspects of ecological mitigation for development and associated habitat creation or enhancement.

We can get involved in all stages of a project, from the planning and initial site clearance through to the final finishing works. Our unique range of equipment allows us to tread lightly, achieve impressive output and offer the client better value as a result AGRECO specialise in wildlife fencing which is often a major part of ecological mitigation projects. AGRECO can supply and install all types of wildlife fencing with refugia and pitfall traps where necessary, on large or small sites nationwide. Once the fencing has served its purpose, AGRECO can remove it and recycle the materials.

LGP & Reduced Access Machinery

Low ground pressure machinery that is able to travel with minimal impact on boggy and precipitous surfaces - reduced access a speciality. Low Ground Pressure (LGP) and machines that can work effectively on slopes of 45+degrees.

Whether a site requires a light “footprint” because of boggy ground or because it contains rare and valuable flora and fauna as in many SSSI’s and other ecologically sensitive areas. AGRECO has the machinery and expertise to get there and effectively get the job done. Steep ground has traditionally been a serious limiting factor to the effective and safe operation of machinery, but not for AGRECO with machinery that can easily work across 45+ degree slopes. Areas that have up until now only been really accessible by men with hand tools are now able to worked on and in with machinery specifically designed to do so, bringing with them all the associated benefits of increased output and reduced costs.

Based in Herefordshire


AGRECO Scrub Clearance & Land Reclamation

AGRECO Steep Bank & Conservation Work